Cheat At Wordle Program [2022]
This is a program that uses a dictionary text file to help you cheat at Wordle.
Dictionary Tasks [2022]
This is a program that uses a dictionary text file to run basic tasks such as searching for a word and printing the definition.
Brightwater Website [2021]
This is a responive website I designed and developed for the Brightwater Care Group in my Advanced Web Design Unit.
What Would You Rather Game [2021]
This project contains two programs written in Python. One that an admin would use to manage 'What Would You Rather' questions and another to run the game in a GUI.
Password Guessing Game [2021]
This is a Python program where the user guesses the password and is given clues based on the correct letters in their previous guess.
Weather App [2020]
This is a web based app that shows the weather using a public weather API and your location. It's one of the programs I built during my internship at Ninja Software.
Snake Game [2020]
This is a web based Snake Game I built during my internship at Ninja Software.
Calculator [2020]
This simple web based calculator is yet another project I completed at Ninja Software during my internship.